Get ready for the windows 9.Exclusive report on windows 9 release.

Posted by Unknown on Tuesday, 4 March 2014 0

Windows 8 and 8.1,the last two operating systems from microsoft was not that successful.Windows 8 was meant especially for tablets which is used for wide range of works from data entry to high end gaming operationsBut windows 8 failed to beat android and some other open source operating systems.

Now microsoft has officially declared a new release which is said to be releasing on April 2015.Apart from rumours of aggressive developing and shipping details,Company has not said a word about what is there inside the operating system or how it works.There is a chance that you can find the start button again in windows 9.Another rumour is spreading that this coming operating system windows 9 is nick named as "Threshold".

We have no idea whether an update from windows 7 will be there or not.But there will be an update from windows 8 which may not cost much.Windows tablet must be cheaper.The company knows this fact."we know that our growth depends on our ability to give customers the exciting hardware at the price they demand"This is what the company representative told the media.

The main features will be:
1.Low cost
2.Better battery life
3.Desktop only mode
4.Real start button
5.Better display scaling
6.Improved anti-virus protection
7.Fixed windows update

Windows 9 will be a small OS with bigger facilities.We think so.Because everyone knows that users are fedup with the last two 8 and windows 8.1.

                "An update from Windows 8 to windows 7.That is what we want."
                                 I found this comment on a famous technology forum and i came to know that this comment has got major attention than the news.This shows that users were fedup with windows 8.The entire technology world is expecting an entirely new update from windows.

We also hope that they are also trying for that.Some microsoft representatives have announced that windows 9 is entirely a new thing.

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